Advantages Of Concurrent Engineering
Advantages Of Concurrent Engineering Approach
Benefits of concurrent engineering in injection molding A few months ago, a customer of mine called me to go look at an issue he was having with a part being molded in a brand-new mold. It was a two-shot part, with TPE overmolded on to a PP substrate.
What are the advantage of computer software How many mathematicians would it take to hand compute the Moon travel and landing? Many, many; they postulate that a crew of 200 mathematicians cranking that out would have taken a few lifetimes to accomplish. And once they completed it how many time s to verify and check sum the derived answer? Software gives us the opportunity to instruct computers to do relatively difficult calculations quickly, relatively easy, and over and over again. Repetition is the watchword here.
My favorite example is code for running a scientific function calculator. Once it is written it can be used by thousands of end users to do scientific calculations. Was it costly to produce that code relatively no. Is it cost effective to the user, yes. Does it speed up processing time for complex math yes. Ask any College student if they like their calculator?
Does the code have to be maintained NOT MUCH after the initial bugs are worked out. The question is; do you expect someone to write all that code, in some software packages equaling millions of lines of code, for free?