Dolby Sound Test 7.1

Dolby Digital 7.1 Surround Sound Test Download
What is surround sound? Please check out this instructional video from our YouTube channel, which contains both an explanation and audio demos that you can hear yourself, if you are wearing headphones: When most people hear the words 'Surround Sound', they think of big multi-speaker surround sound systems. In that case, how can Turtle Beach make a 'surround sound headset'? You don't actually need 6 or 8 speakers, such as you would use for 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound systems, to re-produce a surround sound experience. When you're wearing headphones, you only need one speaker for each of your ears. Most of the time, when using headphones, you hear stereo audio. This means that there is a left channel and right channel of audio.