Sri Lanka Joke Video

Sri Lanka Comedy Videos

Sri Lanka Funny Videos 2018
A collection of popular Sri Lankan Jokes Welcome to Lankan Jokes page. You will find a small collection of popular Sri Lankan Jokes and links of other jokes sites here. If you have a joke that you would like to share with others do send them to, I'll add them to the site with your name. Please email new stories to us in all categories like Cricket jokes, Political jokes, Funny Jokes and more. Thanks Title Date Creater 2009-6-24 A Ranji 2009-6-24 A Ranji 2009-6-24 Nadeeka 2009-6-24 Nadeeka 2009-6-30 Nadeeka 2010-5-29 Youtube 2010-5-29 Youtube 2010-5-29 Youtube 2010-5-29 Youtube 2010-5-29 Youtube 2010-5-29 Youtube 2010-5-29 Youtube 2010-5-29 Youtube 2010-5-29 Youtube Sri Lanka Jokes site links •. Sri Lankan jokes Stories will be posted here in Sinhala, English or both, depending on what makes you laugh.politics jokes, Jokes Movies, e-mail Jokes, Musical Jokes. Shaddy - The wannabe joker, Girigoris - and his golaya, CHICKEN - A la Sri Lanka.