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Torrent sites, as we all know are quite elusive in nature. A site that may be working just fine one day, might not work the other day. Well because they are always on the run. Whether it is law enforcement agencies or lawyers backing corporate schmucks, torrents sites have to constantly pack up and change domains from one to the other in hopes to stay alive on the interwebs. Torrent giants like the, ExtraTorrent, and Torrent Project are long gone. While some were forced into closure, others will shut down their services to avoid a similar fate.
Torrent Butler, Serving Movie Torrents With Class It isn't often that a new torrent site comes along and actually manages to impress, but Torrent Butler is certainly one worthy of note.
That’s said: There are still plenty of cool working sites that you folks should try. Now I know finding top torrent sites is not easy. On the contrary, with so many frequent domain changes and complete shutdown of sites, you technically need a list that is constantly updated to find out exactly which torrent websites are working.
Latest Movie Torrent Downloads
With that said I have painstakingly tested 50+ best torrent sites 2018 and compiled a list of some amazing ones by judging them on their: • Downloading speeds (on a 30 megabit connection) • Type of contents • Torrent file repository • Viruses and malware Note: Some of the top torrenting sites discussed below may not work for you depending on your location and regional block, which is why you might want to enable a to unlock the full potential of these sites. Best Torrent Sites of 2018 Hold up! Before I begin listing free torrent sites, you guys should consider which torrent client you want to use for torrenting. After all, your speeds and timely downloading heavily depends upon which torrent client you end up using.