Infinite Stratos Season 3
Based on the reviews I'm seeing, likely not soon enough. Free sims 2 download full game. Hope to god it's as good than the last seasons. After watching season one, I was REEAAALLY hoping they'll put like another IS male Pilot in the next season. But nooooo, they just repeat the damn first season again with a few twists. (Phantom Task, new characters, etc). Like, I think another Male IS pilot (Or better yet, a group of them) would impact the series abit more and maybe give it a lift of popularity. A male character like setsuna f seiei from Gundam 00, incorporated into Infinite Stratos would be pretty rad.

According to my tastes at least. Seriously the first few comments go to show how much assholes can be assholes.
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Just because you dont like the anime doesnt mean you need to say shit like that. I guarantee you all that there is someone out there like that. Every anime has its viewers and shouldnt be trashed just because you dont like it.
If thats the case then every anime should be trashed. Granted there are some less popular animes out there but the point of anime is to entertain not have people going around saying every bad thing possible about it. The story is complicated with the IS part of it and the fanservice is there to. But no everyone has to try and talk shit about some guy who doesnt act like them. Got good news folks!
Infinite Stratos Light Novel English
Season 3 is coming a step closer because on April 25 this year Volume 11 of the light novel will be released. Season 3 itself will be happening If the got enought source material. The used 4 volume for each season including The ova's so If Izuru Yumizuru will release 12 anytime this year i think it could be posible to see season 3 about mid 2017. You can look up The Light novels release date here The Info that there is only source material missing can be looked up in the Video Its in portugese but you can enable english subtitles for it on Youtube Just stay positiv and I'm personaly really exited to see season 3 release. 2018 nascar drivers and car numbers. Got good news folks! Season 3 is coming a step closer because on April 25 this year Volume 11 of the light novel will be released.