Cooking Crack In The Microwave

TEK - making crack cocaine with baking soda in the microwave. Discussion in 'Cocaine & Crack' started by ekanober, Nov 23, 2013. Crack two eggs into a ceramic bowl or mug and whip them with a fork until they start to froth. Add 1/3 cup of grated cheese. Heat on high for 90 seconds in the microwave.
Here's what you need. Fuck the baking soda. Get yourself some ammonia. Couple steps.
1 - pour some ammonia into a metal sppon or something. Ice cream scoop works good for his. 2 - put that on your stove and start heating it. 3 - put your blow into the ammonia and let it cook until it turns into kind of an oily substance. 4 - remove from heat and let cool. As it cools, pour the remaining ammonia out and then flush it with water so you ain't smoking ammonia.
5 - let that cool and it will solidify. Smoke that shit. 6 - crack out. Stop looking out the windows. If anything, they'll come through the front door.
Cooking Crack Cocaine In Microwave
Heres an easy recipe to get it right everytime: Take a glass shotglass, like a normal glass shot glass not like a spring break souvenir shot glass or a hipster fuckin elevated pyramid blow bullshit. A normal glass shotglass. Dump your baggie in there and eyball it. You wanna put about 1/4 to 1/2 that amount of Baking SODA, or sodium bicarbonate. No need to be fucking precise, Heisenberg, just eyeball the amount. Next drop some water in there, tap, poland spring, watever. Run your fingers under the faucet and then let a few drops into the shot glass.